Hearing loss can appear at any age – but it is more pressing, as with all medical issues, when it occurs in children. There are many causes of hearing loss in children. Short-term factors such as ear infections and wax build-up can cause blockages – which are likely to go away with proper treatment. It’s Read more..
What are the common causes of hearing loss?
Many of us are affected by hearing loss at some point. Whether this is a permanent degradation, as often happens with age, or a short-term issue such as earwax blockage, infection, or simply a cold, it’s crucial to get your hearing checked to avoid long-term complications. It’s essential to understand if a potential long-term issue Read more..
The Importance of Limiting Noise Exposure
Although hearing loss occurs gradually as we age, you may experience signs of hearing loss earlier if you are frequently exposed to loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is quite common. It affects individuals listening to audio devices at unsafe levels, frequenting loud venues, or spending time in noisy environments due to their day job, Read more..
Communicating With Someone With Hearing Loss
Communication with someone with hearing loss can be awkward, especially when that person is your aging parent. When a parent begins to lose their hearing, their family must learn to adjust to the new realities. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, 8.5% of adults aged 55 to 64 have disabling hearing loss. That Read more..
The Importance of Limiting Noise Exposure
Although hearing loss occurs gradually as we age, you may experience signs of hearing loss earlier if you are frequently exposed to loud noises. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is quite common. It affects individuals listening to audio devices at unsafe levels, frequenting loud venues, or spending time in noisy environments due to their day job, Read more..
How Does Conductive Hearing Loss Differ From Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Hearing loss makes it difficult for individuals to go about their days as they usually would. But did you know that not all individuals with auditory problems are experiencing the same type of hearing loss? To better understand your hearing impairments, it’s crucial to know how the different parts of your ear work to process Read more..
How to Help Deaf Remote Workers
The pandemic has completely turned the way we work on its head. Instead of commuting into the office each morning, many of us simply walk into a designated room in our home to work. While working from home offers more flexibility and freedom for many employees, it can also be a difficult transition for some Read more..
What Is Listening Fatigue?
Like your eyes, your mind, and your body, your ears may also experience fatigue. If you’ve ever gone on a long and strenuous hike, you know the feeling of being fatigued afterward. Similarly, you may notice that your eyes feel tired and strained after staring at a computer screen all day, day after day. Although Read more..
What is a Sound Bath? Can it Improve Tinnitus?
Depending on the cause, hearing loss can come on suddenly or occur over time. You may not even notice a hearing problem until you begin hearing persistent ringing sounds in your ears at all times. Because of the lack of hearing in your ears, a ringing sound becomes apparent as your body tries to fill Read more..
What Are the Different Hearing Test Types
Have you noticed that sounds are getting more difficult to hear or decipher? Are you constantly turning up the volume on the television? If you’re tired of asking your friends and family to repeat themselves, it may be time to schedule a hearing test with a qualified hearing specialist. El Dorado Hearing will have you Read more..