The start of a new year is always an exciting time. It allows us some time to recharge and reset our intentions for the year. While some people may have a New Year’s resolution to listen more intently, your resolution may simply be to improve your hearing loss.
If you’re tired of asking others to repeat themselves or turning the volume up on the television, it may be time to get to the root of your hearing loss and determine a solution. Luckily, El Dorado Hearing is here to help you make your goals for 2022 a reality.
Follow along as we share a few changes you can make to improve your hearing loss.
Avoid Loud Noises
It shouldn’t come as a major shock, but loud noises can be detrimental to your hearing — especially if you’re also suffering from hearing loss. When possible, avoid subjecting your ears to sounds above 85 decibels. The higher the sound, the more damage it can cause to your hearing.
Although loud noises can occur anywhere, it’s best to avoid situations where they commonly occur. This can range from musical concerts and noisy work environments to power tools and lawnmowers. If there isn’t a way to avoid loud sound, opt for ear protection to help minimize the damage to your ears.
Exercise Regularly
A common New Year’s resolution is to workout more often, and that should be one of your goals if you’re focused on improving hearing loss! Not only is regular exercise great for your physical and mental wellbeing, but it also can benefit your hearing!
When you workout, you increase the blood flow within your body — which increases the blood flow to your ears. This blood flow to the ears helps keep your inner ear healthy, especially if it’s already showing signs of damage.
Don’t worry, there is no need to burn 300 calories per workout. Something as simple as a long walk or a relaxing yoga session can help get that blood flowing.
Quit Smoking
Need a New Year’s resolution that will make a massive difference in your overall health?
Quit smoking!
It’s commonly known that smoking isn’t good for you and can lead to health problems like lung cancer, but did you know that it is also linked to hearing problems?
Because the intake of nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes causes your blood vessels to tighten, cigarettes essentially starve your inner ear of the oxygen it needs to keep your ears healthy.
Wear Hearing Aids
While hearing aids may not be the most fashionable accessory to wear, they can make a night and day difference with your hearing. If you have visited a hearing specialist who prescribed your hearing aids in the past, you must wear them!
Hearing aids help to properly amplify sounds around you so you can hear them comfortably, allowing you to hear without turning up the volume louder than necessary (which can cause further damage to your ears!). Wearing your hearing aids will make it easier to interact with the world while preventing further damage to your hearing.
Schedule a Hearing Evaluation
The best way to improve your hearing loss in 2022 is to schedule a hearing evaluation with a trusted hearing specialist. Through the evaluation, they will determine the current health of your hearing and monitor it as you grow older.
The audiologist can evaluate your hearing and determine the best treatment plan to prevent further damage and improve your hearing ability with a hearing test. If the evaluation concludes there is hearing loss, our team of skilled audiologists can get you fitted for hearing aids or provide you with another solution to improve or restore your hearing.
If you’re experiencing hearing loss, the skilled audiologists at El Dorado Hearing can perform a diagnostic evaluation and provide the recommended treatment and hearing devices. Contact our experienced team to schedule your hearing evaluation.
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