Experiencing hearing loss may be a frightening experience for many. Yet, it’s a health concern affecting millions of people worldwide. Contrary to the common belief that it only happens to aging people, hearing loss can occur at any age and for various reasons. Different factors, from genetics to environmental influences, can cause it. Understanding the Read more..
Understanding Tinnitus: Causes, Treatments, and How to Manage It
Ringing, buzzing, crackling, or humming in the ears is a condition experienced by many people worldwide. It can be mildly annoying for some, but it may have a greater impact on daily life for others. With this condition, people may find it hard to focus, sleep, or relax. The condition has a unique name: tinnitus. Read more..
Hearing Health and Noise Exposure: Tips for Protecting Your Ears
One big common threat to your hearing is loud noise exposure. This exposure may be pervasive, but entirely preventable. Loud music at a concert, heavy machinery at construction sites, busy traffic and workplaces all risk damaging your hearing with excess noise. Safeguarding your ears from the threat of noise exposure becomes essential to maintain your Read more..
How Hearing Aids Impact Your Lifestyle
Wearing hearing aids will benefit people with hearing loss. Some may think there’s still a stigma concerning these devices. While that was true in the past, in recent years, hearing aid usage has become more popular and accepted. As technology also improves, wearing one can improve the quality of life for those with hearing loss. Read more..
How Hearing Loss Can Affect Balance and Mobility
Many view hearing loss as an auditory issue, but its impacts can go beyond just the ability to hear sounds. But the fact is people with hearing impairment or loss may also struggle with balance and mobility. This is a concern that many still fail to notice. Navigating our environments requires our senses to work Read more..
How to Care for Hearing Aids and Expand Their Lifespan
Hearing aids are marvelous devices that help people with hearing loss cope with their struggles. They break down communication barriers, improve social interactions, and reduce mental health issues for the users. With so many different types of hearing aids available, they can also support the users’ chosen lifestyle. However, as with all electronic devices, maintenance Read more..
The Impact of Hearing Loss on Mental Health
With so many causes of mental illness, hearing loss can be overlooked as a major concern. However, hearing loss does affect a person’s mental health and influences their quality of life. For example, seniors suffering from hearing loss have lower emotional vitality, affecting their overall well-being and self-efficacy. Furthermore, adults who are hard of hearing Read more..
Importance of Annual Hearing Tests: What You Need to Know
Scheduling hearing tests should be a normal occurrence in life, much like scheduling a dentist appointment. Yet, some people haven’t realized its importance. Making a once-in-a-lifetime appointment for a hearing test may not be a priority for many, let alone a yearly one. This can be dangerous in the long run. Our auditory health is Read more..
Lifestyle Adjustments with Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can significantly impact daily life, not only for those affected but also for their loved ones. Fortunately, making a few simple lifestyle adjustments can greatly improve safety, communication, and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll explore some of the most effective lifestyle changes to help individuals with hearing loss maintain, or even improve, Read more..
Hearing Impaired Communication Tips
Communicating with someone who has hearing loss can sometimes be challenging, but it is crucial to approach these interactions with understanding and empathy. In this article, we’ll explore ten tips to help you communicate effectively and respectfully with someone who is hearing impaired. By employing these tactics, you can restore clear and confident communication with Read more..