Tinnitus – or ringing in the ears – is experienced by more than 50 million Americans (as estimated by the American Tinnitus Association). Studies suggest that, like many hearing issues, it becomes more common with age and can be the first sign of age-related hearing loss. For many, it’s a minor annoyance. For others, it Read more..
Does Your Diet Impact Your Hearing?
We all know that eating a whole, nutrient-dense diet is necessary for a healthy heart, waistline, and cognitive function. But did you also know that what you eat affects your hearing? Of course, this isn’t to say that consuming a broccoli crown with dinner will immediately reduce tinnitus symptoms (although it certainly can’t hurt to Read more..
How Tinnitus and Vertigo Go Hand in Hand
Do you sometimes feel that the world is spinning around, and you’re off-balance even while being still? Well, you might have vertigo. Vertigo makes it feel as though the world is whirling around you or that you are spinning. It is not ordinary dizziness like you may usually experience. The intensity level is increased. Vertigo Read more..
Can Antibiotics Treat Ear Pain?
Many children develop ear infections before two years of age, caused by bacteria or viruses. Ear infections, which frequently follow a cold or throat infection, can be uncomfortable or even painful. The following information about treatments is crucial for parents who have small children or have frequent infections themselves. You probably already know that children Read more..
How to Treat Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
We’ve all felt pressure in our ears at one time or another. Maybe it was while ascending in an airplane, driving in the mountains, or while in the grip of a cold. What causes that, and what can be done to fix it? The middle ear and upper throat are connected by a small eustachian Read more..
High Pitched Ringing In Ear
Tinnitus is a noise in your ear that presents as whistling, hissing, pulsating, or a high-pitched ringing. Ringing in the ear or tinnitus is widespread and affects more than 50 million Americans. For some, it’s a very deliberating experience affecting their daily lives. Although you hear sounds, there is no external source linked to them. Read more..
Mushroom Liquid for Ear Pain?
Tinnitus sounds like ringing, hissing, or buzzing in one or both ears without external sound. About 10% of adults in the United States have tinnitus, and nearly 25% have had symptoms for 15 years or longer. If you have tinnitus, you know it causes problems with problems anxiety, focusing, energy levels, and sleeping. As of Read more..
Hearing Loss in a Single Ear
A person’s inability to hear sound clearly is known as hearing loss. Hearing loss can be mild, moderate, or severe. Hearing loss is usually in both ears (bilateral hearing loss) but can be in a single ear. Whether mild or severe, it’s critical to understand the signs of hearing loss in a single ear, the Read more..
Symptoms of Hearing Loss in Children
Hearing loss can appear at any age – but it is more pressing, as with all medical issues, when it occurs in children. There are many causes of hearing loss in children. Short-term factors such as ear infections and wax build-up can cause blockages – which are likely to go away with proper treatment. It’s Read more..
What are the common causes of hearing loss?
Many of us are affected by hearing loss at some point. Whether this is a permanent degradation, as often happens with age, or a short-term issue such as earwax blockage, infection, or simply a cold, it’s crucial to get your hearing checked to avoid long-term complications. It’s essential to understand if a potential long-term issue Read more..