Hearing loss doesn’t typically happen overnight. It often occurs gradually, sneaking up on a person. The person experiencing hearing loss isn’t the only one who should be on the lookout for warning signs. If you notice that a loved one struggles to participate in conversations in loud settings or is constantly turning up the volume, Read more..
Living With Hearing Loss
The past two years have been increasingly difficult for many. We’ve been forced to spend time away from our loved ones, masking up when going in public, and withdrawn from society. While we’ve all been dealt our fair share of challenges, those dealing with hearing loss face even more challenges daily. These frustrations can often Read more..
Is Tinnitus Incurable? How Can I Stop the Ringing!?
We are often asked, “Is tinnitus incurable? How can I stop the ringing?” It is challenging for many of us to understand why tinnitus occurs and why we have to live with the constant ringing sensations day in and day out. It’s easy to get frustrated and tinnitus can make it difficult to sleep, concentrate Read more..
Can You Get Hearing Aids Without a Doctor?
When it comes to purchasing a hearing aid, you’re probably wondering if it’s as simple as going to your nearest big box store to pick one up. However, the process is a bit more complex than purchasing a new television or phone. Can you get hearing aids without a doctor? The buying process for hearing Read more..
Focus on Improving Your Hearing Loss in 2022
The start of a new year is always an exciting time. It allows us some time to recharge and reset our intentions for the year. While some people may have a New Year’s resolution to listen more intently, your resolution may simply be to improve your hearing loss. If you’re tired of asking others to Read more..
How To Reduce the Risk of Hearing Loss in Your Thirties
We often take for granted how our senses impact interactions with the world around us. Our sight allows us to take in the picturesque views. Our sense of smell allows us to enjoy the aromas of different cuisine. Our hearing allows us to listen and engage with our loved ones. But as we age, we Read more..
How to Talk to a Loved One About Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be a touchy subject. If you’ve noticed that a loved one is exhibiting signs of hearing loss, your first instinct is likely to get them the help they deserve. It can be difficult watching them struggle in social situations where they cannot hear or need to constantly ask people to repeat themselves. Read more..
What Should You Do When Ringing In The Ears Occurs?
If you have started to notice a ringing sensation in your ears, you may feel as though there’s nothing you can do about it. Luckily, that’s not the case! Most times, ringing in the ears is caused by tinnitus which is a symptom that affects about 15% to 20% of the population and is especially Read more..
Will Hearing Loss Return After an Ear Infection?
If you’ve ever had an ear infection, you know how irritating it can be. Your ears play an important role in your life, so even a minor ear infection can leave a person with ear pain, loss of balance, sleeping difficulties, and hearing problems. You may also notice that hearing loss from an ear infection Read more..
Does Depression Have a Link to Hearing Loss?
Depression is a serious medical condition that negatively impacts how individuals see the world, feel, think, and act. With prolonged feelings of sadness or low energy, it can be incredibly difficult for the patient to complete everyday tasks such as personal hygiene, cooking, cleaning, and hobbies or activities they enjoy. When left untreated, depression can Read more..