Ringing in the ears is formally known as tinnitus and can be debilitating for many people. Some people report ringing in the ears as a simple annoyance that they can push through. Fortunately, El Dorado Hearing specializes in tinnitus treatments, and we can help you manage tinnitus and enjoy your day-to-day life. What is Tinnitus Read more..
How to Take Care of a Blocked Ear
The feeling of having blocked ears can be incredibly frustrating to deal with, and it frequently happens with steep altitude changes while in your car, scuba diving, or even when flying. When traveling to attempt to remedy the blockage, many will try to chew gum or hold their breath to find relief. Other common solutions Read more..
How True is It That My Tinnitus Gets Worse at Night?
Tinnitus is a medical condition affecting millions of people in the U.S. each year and is commonly described as a perceived ringing in the ears that isn’t present or heard outside the ear. Tinnitus can be more than a ringing noise; it can also be other sounds such as clicking, hissing, buzzing, swishing, or humming Read more..